ADHD And The Challenge of Emotional Regulation
Many people know some of the most common symptoms of ADHD. It’s associated with things like a lack of focus, being easily distracted, or even being restless and impulsive. But, emotional dysregulation is another common symptom that isn’t often discussed as much.
How To Cope With The Uncertainty That Comes With Relationships
Relationships can be exciting. Maybe you look forward to each date because you just don’t know what to expect, and there’s an element of surprise there that you love. Unfortunately, though, the same thing that makes relationships exciting can also make them a bit nerve-wracking — uncertainty.
How Does Reparenting Yourself Ease Anxiety?
Maybe you didn’t have that comforting, reassuring relationship. Maybe issues from your childhood actually do more harm than good today when it comes to bolstering your anxiety. Thankfully, there are ways to reparent yourself. Doing so can help to heal childhood wounds so you can feel a sense of security when faced with anxious thoughts.
4 Ways To Improve Communication With Your Neurodivergent Child
Having a strong foundation of communication within your family can make a big difference in everything, from your children’s confidence to their social skills. But, when you have a neurodivergent child, communication can come with a unique set of challenges.
How To Help Kids Manage Summer Depression
Summer is finally here, and it’s easy to assume that your kids will enjoy every day they don’t have to be in school! But, the excitement of summer vacation can wear off quickly and go well beyond basic boredom. In fact, some kids get more depressed in the summer.
5 Ways To Handle Anxiety About Getting Married
You’re about to walk down the aisle; nothing could be more exciting! Wedding planning is fun, you’re marrying your best friend, and there’s so much to look forward to about your special day. But, no matter how excited and happy you are, you might also be fighting back against anxiety.
How To Cope With Feelings Of Failure Or Underachievement
Everyone experiences failure at some point in life. Perfection isn’t possible, and underachievement sometimes happens, no matter how hard we work at something. While failure is normal and bound to happen, it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. As the old saying goes, you are your own worst enemy. Feeling like a failure can lead to stress, low self-esteem, anxiety, or even depression.
5 Tips For Raising Well-Balanced Children When You’re Wealthy
As parents, it’s totally normal to want a better life for your children than you had for yourself. So, if you’ve come into wealth and money isn’t an issue in your life, it’s okay to celebrate that. But there’s also a fine line in parenting when it comes to raising kids with wealth.
Exploring The Link Between Bedtime Procrastination And Anxiety
Research suggests that anxiety tends to get worse at night. That can lead to bedtime procrastination. Some people with high anxiety might put off going to bed because they know it’s a negative experience and their anxiety is likely to peak.
Natural Ways To Curb ADHD Symptoms During The Stimulant Shortage
If you have ADHD and you’ve been affected by the stimulant shortage, you might be struggling to curb your symptoms. It can be incredibly frustrating, and feeling the pressure to cope without medication can create more stress and potentially make symptoms worse.
How To Care For Your Teen’s Mental Health Without Seeming Overbearing
Teenagers aren’t always known for being open books, especially to their parents. As a parent or caregiver, it’s essential to look after your teen’s mental health. Prioritizing it and checking in is just as important as taking them to a yearly exam for their physical well-being.
4 Tips For Overcoming A Procrastination Habit
Everyone procrastinates sometimes. You might have a task ahead of you that you really don’t want to tackle. You’re tired. Maybe you’re daydreaming about something else. Whatever the case, occasionally putting something off isn’t usually a big problem, and you’ll get back on track quickly.
Letting Go Of Perfection: How To Embrace Authenticity In Relationships
Do you ever feel that your self-worth is contingent on your accomplishments? If so, you might be dealing with perfectionism. Although it’s not an “official” mental health disorder, it certainly acts like one. Perfectionism blurs the line between admirable ambition and self-imposed, unrealistic standards. While it is most often about seeking acceptance and love, perfectionism can push those needs aside because nothing is ever good enough.
Children And Stress: Unseen Pressures And How to Alleviate Them
Beyond what some may believe, children are not immune to stress. While they may not have the same responsibilities and pressures as adults, they still face stressors that can impact their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
How Does CBT Work?
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most common types of therapeutic treatment for mental health conditions. It’s designed to help you change negative thought patterns so you can overcome issues like anxiety, depression, and panic. CBT has even been used to help with symptoms of ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome, and PTSD. But how does it work?
What Is CBT Used For?
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most common forms of talk therapy used today — and for good reason! CBT is proven to be an effective treatment approach for a variety of mental health conditions, from anxiety to depression.
Parental Grief When Your Child Has A Disability
There’s a lot that goes on emotionally when you’re the parent of a child with a disability. Though you might often hide your feelings under the surface, it’s understandable to sometimes feel frustration, fear, sadness, and even grief.
5 Ways to Mitigate New Job Anxiety
There’s also no denying that starting a new job can feel overwhelming and even a little frightening. You might feel anxious over the “what ifs” coming your way. What if it’s not what you expect? What if you can’t fit in with the environment, or you’re not as qualified as you think?
Helping Your Anxious Teen About Going To College
Your teen has been living under the same roof, your roof, for their entire life. You knew their whereabouts every single day of their life. ou’re very excited about the person they’ve turned out to be, but you can tell that you’re not the only one a little nervous about them going to college.
From Breathwork To Meditation: Natural Ways To Reduce Anxiety
Millions of people across the globe struggle with anxiety. If there’s a silver lining to anxiety wreaking such havoc on the world, it’s that there are a variety of treatment and management solutions to keep it under control.