How Online Therapy Can Benefit Children With Chronic Illness & Their Families
Children with chronic illnesses don’t always get the opportunities to lead typical “normal” lives. They might have to undergo multiple surgeries or spend days or weeks at a time in the hospital. So, it should come as no surprise that it’s exceptionally important to help and support these children as much as possible.
How Academic Pressure May Affect Your Teenager
If your teen has certain goals or aspirations, like getting into a specific college or making the honor roll, they could be dealing with a lot of extra pressure. Academic pressure can impact your teenager in many ways, directly affecting their physical and mental well-being.
Exploring The Link Between Fear Of Failure And Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is a diagnosis; fear of failure involves distorted thought patterns. Either of these issues can seriously hamper your daily life. You can get stuck in patterns of behavior that hold you back and negatively impact your physical health, too. Plus, these two conditions are often connected.
How To Help Your Shy Child Gain Confidence
If your child still struggles with shyness, that’s okay. It simply might take them a bit longer to develop self-confidence. But there are things you can do to help and encourage them along the way. The more confident they are, the more likely they will feel comfortable in front of others.
Common Traps That Keep Your Thoughts Anxious
When you’re dealing with anxious thoughts, it can be extremely difficult to escape them. It’s important to understand some of the common traps that keep your thoughts anxious. When you’re able to recognize those traps, you can take more active steps to free yourself from them. So, let’s take a closer look.
How Your Mental Health As A Parent Shapes Your Children
As a parent, you are your child’s first role model, and they look to you for everything. Even when it seems like they aren’t paying attention, they can pick up on even the smallest nuances of your well-being. That includes your mental health.
Recognizing The Difference Between Picky Eating And An Eating Disorder
It’s easy to assume that teens are just going through phases with their eating habits. But how do you know when their picky eating could be something more serious, like an eating disorder?
The Benefits Of Psychological Testing And Evaluation
Psychological tests can be objective or projective, and there are more benefits than you might realize. Let’s take a look at some of those benefits, so you can decide if it’s the right step for you — and to ease any concerns you might have about undergoing an evaluation.
The Difference Between Healthy And Unhealthy Guilt
You’ve undoubtedly experienced guilt at some point in your life. We’re flawed people, and we all make mistakes. Healthy guilt is often the appropriate response when you do something that negatively impacts another person. However, not all guilt is healthy.
How To Handle Anxiety During Holiday Gatherings
The holidays are right around the corner, and while for many people they are a time of joy, fun, and celebration, there’s no question that they can also be a little overwhelming. In some cases, they can even cause a lot of anxiety.
What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder? Signs, Symptoms, And Management
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) impacts millions of people across the globe. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 6% of all U.S. adults will experience it at some point in their lives. It can be crippling, controlling, and leave you with a variety of symptoms that will negatively affect your quality of life.
Understanding ADHD Part 3: What is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria & How You Can Manage It In Your Relationships
Rejection-sensitive dysphoria (RSD) and ADHD are often linked, and most experts contribute it to the differences in brain structure of those who deal with ADHD. While not everyone with ADHD will end up having RSD, it’s a common problem and RSD can actually make the symptoms of ADHD worse.
Understanding ADHD Part 2: Why Do Women Experience ADHD Differently?
ADHD impacts both men and women. It’s not a disorder that discriminates. However, it can manifest itself differently between the two sexes. For example, women tend to experience ADHD a bit differently than men. That includes showing different symptoms, or even trying to explain away their symptoms due to a misdiagnosis.
Understanding ADHD Part 1: How ADHD Affects Relationships
Many people assume they have a basic understanding of what ADHD is, what it looks like, and how it can impact a person’s life. But, we often look at ADHD as a children’s disorder. While it’s often diagnosed in childhood, that doesn’t mean it goes away as a person grows.
How To Help Your Teen Have A Positive Body Image
Teenagers have a lot to deal with. They’re thinking about their future, trying to maintain social relationships, keeping up with schoolwork, and coping with significant hormonal shifts all at once. On top of all of that, there are societal pressures that can creep in and wreak havoc on your teen’s mental well-being. That includes body image issues.
Anxiety Isn’t All in Your Head — It Affects Your Heart, Too
Anxiety can largely affect your physical health, too — including your heart. While it is, indeed, a mental health condition, the lasting impact of anxiety on your heart can be a serious risk to your health and pose lasting negative consequences.
How Undiagnosed ADHD Can Lead To Depression
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopment disorder that affects millions of individuals. ADHD is often diagnosed in children; however, it does transform into adulthood and can have drastic effects in everyday life.
How To Help Your Child With Testing Anxiety
It’s hard to think about children dealing with anxiety for any reason. Unfortunately, many things can trigger it. Your child might not typically be anxious, but when they have to take a test, they become overwhelmed.
4 Ways To Cope With Feelings Of Failure Or Underachievement
Even if you don’t completely fail at something, underachieving or just missing the mark can feel just as damaging. Unfortunately, when you carry those feelings with you more often than not, it can start to take a toll on your mental health.
Changing Your Mindset: The Role Of Self-Talk In Rewriting Negative Beliefs
Each of us can change our mindset. Yes, of course, there can be factors for which we need help. However, in a day-to-day sense, we can rewrite the negative beliefs that are holding us back. A giant first step in this direction involves a closer examination of the role self-talk plays.